




Founder Grants

Founder Grants

Grant aggregator for startup founders
November 2019 - 2020
  • App for startup founders to apply for grants to fund their ideas
  • Working with a stakeholder to create, research and release features on a deadline
  • Adopted an existing codebase by another team and learning specified tech
  • Developer and designer, built using React, Redux, CSS (Material UI/ Material Table)
Reddit Ranker

Reddit Ranker

Reddit post draft editor and best subreddit predictor
October 2019
  • Backend Node Developer using Express, Knex, SQL, SQLite, JWT
  • Endpoint testing testing with Jest and Supertest
  • Frontend build in React and Redux
Celebrity, Dead or Alive?

Celebrity, Dead or Alive?

Interactive, timed celebrity quiz with scoreboard
August 2019
  • Interactive 30-second quiz to guess celebrities that are dead or alive
  • includes a leaderboard where a logged-in user can save high scores
  • Collaborative build with 2 React developers and 1 Node developer
  • React developer using CSS (Scss), React (hooks), utilizes RESTful APIs
  • Presented demo for app
  • Designed using Figma
Pic Script

Pic Script

Inspirational quote and image juxtaposing build
July 2019
  • Generate juxtaposing random inspirational quotes and images, 2019
  • Consumes and displays fetched data from an API (Lorem Picsum)
  • Developer and designer, built using React, Redux, CSS (styled-components)